679239af347b2a002bb9eec8عطر كالفن كلاين اتيرنتي للرجال - او دي تواليت، 100 ملhttps://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67923d3bde0aa9002bcff274/88300605514.jpgsuitable for Summer & Spring , recommended for Daily wear & Work it is an aroma highlighted by a bouquet of fragrant aromatic, citrus and green scented tones that will bring a sensual, calming and light perfumed sensation.Based on the combination of notesCalvin Klein Eternityis classified as Aromatic Fougere fragrance to the nose. The emanation of flavors and scent notes forEternityunfurl in a whiff of citrus and aromatic opening top notes including bergamot, lemon, mandarin orange and lavender. The white flowers and aromatic heart center notes blend in with juniper berry, basil, sage and coriander while the deep woody and amber base notes leave an impression of amber, musk, brazilian rosewood, sandalwood and vetiver55030
out of stockSAR182.08
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كلمة المرور الحالية غير صحيحة
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suitable for Summer & Spring , recommended for Daily wear & Work it is an aroma highlighted by a bouquet of fragrant aromatic, citrus and green scented tones that will bring a sensual, calming and light perfumed sensation.Based on the combination of notesCalvin Klein Eternityis classified as Aromatic Fougere fragrance to the nose. The emanation of flavors and scent notes forEternityunfurl in a whiff of citrus and aromatic opening top notes including bergamot, lemon, mandarin orange and lavender. The white flowers and aromatic heart center notes blend in with juniper berry, basil, sage and coriander while the deep woody and amber base notes leave an impression of amber, musk, brazilian rosewood, sandalwood and vetiver
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Coming Soon
كيف تدوم رائحة العطر لفترة طويلة؟ للتأكد من أن العطر يدوم لأطول فترة ممكنة، من المهم وضعه على نقاط النبض مثل المعصمين والرقبة وخلف الأذنين. سيساعد هذا العطر على التفاعل مع الزيوت الطبيعية للبشرة ويتطور بشكل أكثر اكتمالاً، للحصول على عطر يدوم طويلاً. بشكل عام، العطور معروفة بطول عمرها الاستثنائي الذي يدوم لعدة ساعات.
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Top NotesMandarin, Lavender, Green notes Heart NotesJasmine, Basil, Geranium, Sage Base NotesSandalwood, Vetiver, Rosewood, Amber