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6784f2c17f0e98002b53fa16 Anua Dark Spot Serum Niacinamid 10% 30ml https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6784f438086d890024185aa2/8809640734526.jpg

serum specifically designed to treat dark spots and even out skin tone. It contains a high concentration of niacinamide (10%), a form of vitamin B3, known for its powerful properties in brightening the skin and reducing pigmentation and dark spots caused by sun exposure or acne. Niacinamide also helps minimize the appearance of pores and improve skin texture. In addition to niacinamide, the serum contains tranexamic acid (TXA), which works synergistically with niacinamide to enhance the skin-brightening effect and inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. This powerful combination makes it effective in treating melasma and stubborn hyperpigmentation. The serum is gentle on the skin and suitable for daily use. It is recommended to use it with sunscreen to protect the skin from future pigmentation.

in stockSAR 88.55
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It is recommended to use it with sunscreen during the day.</p>","ingredients":"<p>Niacinamide (10%), Tranexamic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin</p>","benefits":"<p>Brightens dark spots and hyperpigmentation, Improves dull skin tone, Reduces acne scars</p>","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"kunooz_product_type":[],"health_conditions":[],"frequently_bought":[],"use_it_with":[],"pick_your_free_items":[],"combo_offer":[],"kunooz_categories":[],"whites_categories":[],"what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"variants":[],"alias":"anua-dark-spot-serum-niacinamid-10percent-30ml","created_on":"2025-01-13T11:02:25.866Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"أنوا سيروم مصحح للبقع الداكنة نياسيناميد 10% 30 مل","description":"سيروم مصمم خصيصًا لعلاج البقع الداكنة وتوحيد لون البشرة. يحتوي على تركيز عالٍ من النياسيناميد (10%)، وهو شكل من أشكال فيتامين B3، يُعرف بخصائصه القوية في تفتيح البشرة وتقليل التصبغات والبقع الداكنة الناتجة عن التعرض للشمس أو حب الشباب. كما يساعد النياسيناميد على تقليل ظهور المسام وتحسين ملمس البشرة. بالإضافة إلى النياسيناميد، يحتوي السيروم على حمض الترانيكساميك (TXA) الذي يعمل بالتآزر مع النياسيناميد لتعزيز تأثير تفتيح البشرة وتثبيط إنتاج الميلانين، الصبغة المسؤولة عن لون البشرة. هذا المزيج القوي يجعله فعالًا في علاج الكلف والتصبغات العنيدة. السيروم لطيف على البشرة ومناسب للاستخدام اليومي. يوصى باستخدامه مع واقي شمسي لحماية البشرة من التصبغات المستقبلية.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"بعد تنظيف البشرة وتطبيق التونر، ضعي بضع قطرات من السيروم على الوجه والرقبة. دلكي بلطف حتى يتم امتصاصه بالكامل. يُستخدم صباحًا ومساءً. يُنصح باستخدامه مع واقي شمسي خلال النهار.","ingredients":"Niacinamide (10%), Tranexamic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin","benefits":"تفتيح البقع الداكنة والتصبغات، تحسين مظهر البشرة الباهتة، تقليل آثار حب الشباب"}},"EN":{}}},"categories":["skin-care","treatment-and-serum","whitening-1"],"default_variant":null,"description":"<p>serum specifically designed to treat dark spots and even out skin tone. 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Anua Dark Spot Serum Niacinamid 10% 30ml

SAR 88.55

serum specifically designed to treat dark spots and even out skin tone. It contains a high concentration of niacinamide (10%), a form of vitamin B3, known for its powerful properties in brightening the skin and reducing pigmentation and dark spots caused by sun exposure or acne. Niacinamide also helps minimize the appearance of pores and improve skin texture. In addition to niacinamide, the serum contains tranexamic acid (TXA), which works synergistically with niacinamide to enhance the skin-brightening effect and inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. This powerful combination makes it effective in treating melasma and stubborn hyperpigmentation. The serum is gentle on the skin and suitable for daily use. It is recommended to use it with sunscreen to protect the skin from future pigmentation.

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Brightens dark spots and hyperpigmentation, Improves dull skin tone, Reduces acne scars

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After cleansing and toning, apply a few drops of the serum to the face and neck. Gently massage until fully absorbed. Use morning and night. It is recommended to use it with sunscreen during the day.

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Niacinamide (10%), Tranexamic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin

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