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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
67569be65097e7002baa290d Esthederm Age Proteom Advanced Serum 30 Ml https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67569af51d6e1a002b8355c8/ie_05v982000_age_proteom_advanced_serum_pib_30ml_rvb_noshadow_digital.png

Product Description:

  • It is an advanced anti-aging serum that effectively fights skin aging.
  • For this purpose, this serum resorts to a powerful and innovative formula that combines two amazing active ingredients.
  • On the one hand, it features the famous Eau Cellulaire patent that can mimic natural water on the skin, with high affinity and effectiveness.
  • On the other hand, it contains the new and exclusive Age Proteom technology.
  • To explain, skin protein is made up of the basic proteins of the skin, such as elastin and collagen, and these proteins play a role in skin aging. Therefore, by preserving skin protein, this technology fights skin aging.
  • As a result, the skin ages more slowly. Like that, this serum works effectively on all signs of aging: wrinkles, dullness, lack of firmness, lack of volume, and uneven skin tone.
  • In other words, it visibly and permanently reduces the signs of skin aging.
  • With a light milky texture, this serum is suitable for all skin types, leaving a comfortable velvety feel on the skin. In conclusion, this disruptive serum guarantees the prevention of skin aging and long-term protection of youthful skin.

How to use:

  • Apply five drops of Esteem Age Proteom Advanced Serum 30ml on clean, dry skin of the face, neck, and décolletage, either in the morning or in the evening routine.
out of stock SAR 493
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Esthederm Age Proteom Advanced Serum 30 Ml

SAR 493

See all products of this brand to stay updated on exciting launches, new collections & more!

Product Description:

  • It is an advanced anti-aging serum that effectively fights skin aging.
  • For this purpose, this serum resorts to a powerful and innovative formula that combines two amazing active ingredients.
  • On the one hand, it features the famous Eau Cellulaire patent that can mimic natural water on the skin, with high affinity and effectiveness.
  • On the other hand, it contains the new and exclusive Age Proteom technology.
  • To explain, skin protein is made up of the basic proteins of the skin, such as elastin and collagen, and these proteins play a role in skin aging. Therefore, by preserving skin protein, this technology fights skin aging.
  • As a result, the skin ages more slowly. Like that, this serum works effectively on all signs of aging: wrinkles, dullness, lack of firmness, lack of volume, and uneven skin tone.
  • In other words, it visibly and permanently reduces the signs of skin aging.
  • With a light milky texture, this serum is suitable for all skin types, leaving a comfortable velvety feel on the skin. In conclusion, this disruptive serum guarantees the prevention of skin aging and long-term protection of youthful skin.

How to use:

  • Apply five drops of Esteem Age Proteom Advanced Serum 30ml on clean, dry skin of the face, neck, and décolletage, either in the morning or in the evening routine.
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