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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
668d1d7115b70771c1c88ffa Usmile Electric TB Y1S Pink https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/668e267b96e69d75af0c8aa0/51952.jpg

[American Dental Association ADA Approved] Designed to aid in the removal of dental stains and help prevent and reduce gingivitis. The integration of technology and aesthetics makes it the choice of over 5+ million users. [Award-Winning Electric Toothbrush] The usmile Y1S electric toothbrush has received high praise for its brushing ability, prevention of dental stain buildup, and cost-effectiveness, thanks to its use of high-speed sonic vibration and amplitude at 38,000 RPM. Its visually stunning Greek-inspired design and 4 stylish color options have also earned it multiple intertiol awards, including the prestigious German Red Dot Design Award. [365 Days of Use on a Single Charge] With upgraded battery technology, this sonic toothbrush features a powerful 2200mAh battery that can last up to 1 year on a single charge. Equipped with a USB Type-C charging port, it can be charged for just 4 hours making it ideal for travel. It also has a reminder function that alerts users and a memory function that allows them to resume their previous brushing mode. _xD83E__xDDB7_[3 Brushing Modes for Comprehensive Care] With 3 brushing modes, the toothbrush can comprehensively care for teeth and gums. The cleaning mode is the most commonly used daily cleaning mode and effectively removes stains. The sensitive mode is gentle on teeth and gums, making it beginner-friendly. The massage mode polishes the surface of the teeth. [Portable and Quiet Design] The sonic electric toothbrush is designed for convenience, with a lightweight body that weighs only 0.29 Ib. Its brush head is equipped with DuPont ultra-fine bristle material that is easy to remove and replace, and it comes with a travel case for protection during travel. Additionally, the maximum noise level is only 55 decibels, making it gentle enough for nighttime use, and an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to noise..

in stockSAR 275
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Usmile Electric TB Y1S Pink

SAR 275

[American Dental Association ADA Approved] Designed to aid in the removal of dental stains and help prevent and reduce gingivitis. The integration of technology and aesthetics makes it the choice of over 5+ million users. [Award-Winning Electric Toothbrush] The usmile Y1S electric toothbrush has received high praise for its brushing ability, prevention of dental stain buildup, and cost-effectiveness, thanks to its use of high-speed sonic vibration and amplitude at 38,000 RPM. Its visually stunning Greek-inspired design and 4 stylish color options have also earned it multiple intertiol awards, including the prestigious German Red Dot Design Award. [365 Days of Use on a Single Charge] With upgraded battery technology, this sonic toothbrush features a powerful 2200mAh battery that can last up to 1 year on a single charge. Equipped with a USB Type-C charging port, it can be charged for just 4 hours making it ideal for travel. It also has a reminder function that alerts users and a memory function that allows them to resume their previous brushing mode. _xD83E__xDDB7_[3 Brushing Modes for Comprehensive Care] With 3 brushing modes, the toothbrush can comprehensively care for teeth and gums. The cleaning mode is the most commonly used daily cleaning mode and effectively removes stains. The sensitive mode is gentle on teeth and gums, making it beginner-friendly. The massage mode polishes the surface of the teeth. [Portable and Quiet Design] The sonic electric toothbrush is designed for convenience, with a lightweight body that weighs only 0.29 Ib. Its brush head is equipped with DuPont ultra-fine bristle material that is easy to remove and replace, and it comes with a travel case for protection during travel. Additionally, the maximum noise level is only 55 decibels, making it gentle enough for nighttime use, and an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to noise..

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