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67d6c2a5e8e651002b73f484 White Shell White Foaming Scrub 300 Ml https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67d6c35bfbaef8003aba4f32/6291109760436.webp The foaming brightening scrub is the ideal choice for achieving smooth, clear skin. It combines effective exfoliation with a perfect foam that removes dead skin cells, minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores, and deeply moisturizes your skin, leaving it refreshed and healthy. If you're looking for a product that revitalizes your skin and gives it an instant radiance, there’s no doubt that the foaming brightening scrub is the ultimate solution. 58216
in stockSAR 125
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Instructions\n\nPlace an adequate amount of the foaming brightening scrub in your hands.\nGently massage the scrub onto damp skin using your fingertips.\nContinue massaging for 5 minutes to create a healthy foam and achieve ideal exfoliation.\nRinse your skin with lukewarm water and dry it with a clean towel.\nIt can be used on both the face and the entire body for comprehensive results.","ingredients":"Active Ingredients\n\nSUCROSE: Helps gently exfoliate and smooth the skin.\nSODIUM LAURETH SULFATE: Used to cleanse the skin of dirt and impurities.\nCOCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE: Contributes to softening the skin and acts as a moisturizing agent.\nGLYCERIN: Provides hydration and maintains skin softness.\nAQUA: The primary hydrating component that enhances skin smoothness.\nGLYCERYL MONO STEARATE: Boosts moisturizing properties and improves skin texture.\nPEG-100 STEARATE: Helps improve the cohesion of the ingredients and gives a creamy texture.\nTITANIUM DIOXIDE: Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.\nNIACINAMIDE: Known for its ability to brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation.\nPARFUM: Adds a refreshing fragrance to the skin.\nXANTHAN GUM: Contributes to improving texture and works to hydrate the skin.\nMETHYLCHLOROISOTHIAZOLINONE and METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE: Serve as stabilizers and help prevent bacterial growth.","benefits":"Benefits of the Foaming Brightening Scrub\n\nRemoves Dead Skin Cells: Gently exfoliates the skin to remove dead cells, resulting in a more radiant and smooth complexion.\nReduces Open Pores: Helps tighten and close open pores, giving your skin a firm and clear appearance.\nDeep Hydration: Provides intense moisture that keeps your skin soft and healthy throughout the day.\nSuitable for All Skin Types: Whether your skin is oily, dry, or combination, this scrub can be safely and effectively used on both your face and body.","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"white-shell-white-foaming-scrub-300-ml","created_on":"2025-03-16T12:23:01.575Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"وايت شل كريم المقشر الرغوي 300 مل","description":"يُعتبر مقشر التفتيح الرغوي الخيار المثالي للحصول على بشرة ناعمة ونقية. يجمع بين تأثير التقشير الفعّال والرغوة المثالية التي تعمل على إزالة الجلد الميت، تقليل مظهر المسام المفتوحة، وترطيب البشرة بشكل عميق لتبدو منتعشة وصحية. إذا كنتِ تبحثين عن منتج يعيد لبشرتك حيويتها ويمنحها إشراقة فورية، فلا شك أن مقشر التفتيح الرغوي هو الحل الأمثل.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"طريقة الاستخدام\nضعي كمية مناسبة من مقشر التفتيح الرغوي على يديكِ.\nقومي بتدليك المقشر بلطف باستخدام أطراف أصابعكِ على البشرة الرطبة.\nاستمري في التدليك لمدة 5 دقائق للحصول على رغوة صحية وتقشير مثالي.\nاشطفي البشرة بالماء الفاتر وجففيها باستخدام منشفة نظيفة.\nيمكن استخدامه على الوجه والجسم بالكامل للحصول على نتائج شاملة.","ingredients":"Active Ingredients\n\nSUCROSE: Helps gently exfoliate and smooth the skin.\nSODIUM LAURETH SULFATE: Used to cleanse the skin of dirt and impurities.\nCOCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE: Contributes to softening the skin and acts as a moisturizing agent.\nGLYCERIN: Provides hydration and maintains skin softness.\nAQUA: The primary hydrating component that enhances skin smoothness.\nGLYCERYL MONO STEARATE: Boosts moisturizing properties and improves skin texture.\nPEG-100 STEARATE: Helps improve the cohesion of the ingredients and gives a creamy texture.\nTITANIUM DIOXIDE: Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.\nNIACINAMIDE: Known for its ability to brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation.\nPARFUM: Adds a refreshing fragrance to the skin.\nXANTHAN GUM: Contributes to improving texture and works to hydrate the skin.\nMETHYLCHLOROISOTHIAZOLINONE and METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE: Serve as stabilizers and help prevent bacterial growth.","benefits":"فوائد مقشر التفتيح الرغوي\nإزالة الخلايا الميتة: يعمل المقشر بلطف على تقشير البشرة وإزالة الخلايا الميتة، مما يجعل بشرتك أكثر إشراقاً ونعومة.\nتقليل المسام المفتوحة: يُساعد على غلق المسام المفتوحة، مما يمنح البشرة مظهراً مشدوداً ونقياً.\nترطيب عميق: يقدم ترطيباً عميقاً للبشرة، ليتركها ناعمة وصحية طوال اليوم.\nمناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة: سواء كانت بشرتك دهنية، جافة أو مختلطة، يمكنكِ استخدامه على وجهكِ وجسمكِ بشكل آمن وفعّال."}}}},"categories":["skin-care","cleanse-tone-and-scrub","exfoliators-and-scrubs"],"default_variant":null,"description":"The foaming brightening scrub is the ideal choice for achieving smooth, clear skin. It combines effective exfoliation with a perfect foam that removes dead skin cells, minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores, and deeply moisturizes your skin, leaving it refreshed and healthy. If you're looking for a product that revitalizes your skin and gives it an instant radiance, there’s no doubt that the foaming brightening scrub is the ultimate solution.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":24,"kunooz_sort_order":100,"substore":["kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2025-03-16T12:26:03.919Z","whites_sort_order":100,"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":125,"our_price":125,"original_price":125,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"original_sort_order":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"67d6c35bfbaef8003aba4f32/6291109760436.webp","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67d6c35bfbaef8003aba4f31","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"6291109760436.webp","_id":"67d6c35bfbaef8003aba4f32"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}

White Shell White Foaming Scrub 300 Ml

SAR 125

The foaming brightening scrub is the ideal choice for achieving smooth, clear skin. It combines effective exfoliation with a perfect foam that removes dead skin cells, minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores, and deeply moisturizes your skin, leaving it refreshed and healthy. If you're looking for a product that revitalizes your skin and gives it an instant radiance, there’s no doubt that the foaming brightening scrub is the ultimate solution.
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Benefits of the Foaming Brightening Scrub Removes Dead Skin Cells: Gently exfoliates the skin to remove dead cells, resulting in a more radiant and smooth complexion. Reduces Open Pores: Helps tighten and close open pores, giving your skin a firm and clear appearance. Deep Hydration: Provides intense moisture that keeps your skin soft and healthy throughout the day. Suitable for All Skin Types: Whether your skin is oily, dry, or combination, this scrub can be safely and effectively used on both your face and body.
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Usage Instructions Place an adequate amount of the foaming brightening scrub in your hands. Gently massage the scrub onto damp skin using your fingertips. Continue massaging for 5 minutes to create a healthy foam and achieve ideal exfoliation. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water and dry it with a clean towel. It can be used on both the face and the entire body for comprehensive results.
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Active Ingredients SUCROSE: Helps gently exfoliate and smooth the skin. SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE: Used to cleanse the skin of dirt and impurities. COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE: Contributes to softening the skin and acts as a moisturizing agent. GLYCERIN: Provides hydration and maintains skin softness. AQUA: The primary hydrating component that enhances skin smoothness. GLYCERYL MONO STEARATE: Boosts moisturizing properties and improves skin texture. PEG-100 STEARATE: Helps improve the cohesion of the ingredients and gives a creamy texture. TITANIUM DIOXIDE: Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. NIACINAMIDE: Known for its ability to brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation. PARFUM: Adds a refreshing fragrance to the skin. XANTHAN GUM: Contributes to improving texture and works to hydrate the skin. METHYLCHLOROISOTHIAZOLINONE and METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE: Serve as stabilizers and help prevent bacterial growth.
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