67923acac91e4f003e11e6b4دولتشي اند غابانا ذا ون بور هوم للرجال - أو دي تواليت، 30 ملhttps://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67923e63347b2a002bb9f62f/3423473021223-jpg.pngDolce & Gabbana The One Eau de Toilette for Men - 30ml is a sophisticated and versatile fragrance that embodies elegance and style. Crafted for the modern man who appreciates a classic yet contemporary scent, this perfume offers a dynamic blend of aromatic and spicy notes. Ideal for everyday wear and special occasions, it leaves a refined and lasting impression with its warm and masculine aroma. Perfect for those seeking a signature fragrance that combines tradition with modern sophistication. Fragrance Features:I89 A balanced fragrance featuring fresh, spicy, and woody notes. Suitable for both daytime and evening wear, providing a versatile and distinguished scent experience. Long-lasting with a subtle sillage that enhances the wearer’s presence.55108
out of stockSAR241.5
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Dolce & Gabbana The One Eau de Toilette for Men - 30ml is a sophisticated and versatile fragrance that embodies elegance and style. Crafted for the modern man who appreciates a classic yet contemporary scent, this perfume offers a dynamic blend of aromatic and spicy notes. Ideal for everyday wear and special occasions, it leaves a refined and lasting impression with its warm and masculine aroma. Perfect for those seeking a signature fragrance that combines tradition with modern sophistication. Fragrance Features:I89 A balanced fragrance featuring fresh, spicy, and woody notes. Suitable for both daytime and evening wear, providing a versatile and distinguished scent experience. Long-lasting with a subtle sillage that enhances the wearer’s presence.
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كيف تدوم رائحة العطر لفترة طويلة؟ للتأكد من أن العطر يدوم لأطول فترة ممكنة، من المهم وضعه على نقاط النبض مثل المعصمين والرقبة وخلف الأذنين. سيساعد هذا العطر على التفاعل مع الزيوت الطبيعية للبشرة ويتطور بشكل أكثر اكتمالاً، للحصول على عطر يدوم طويلاً. بشكل عام، العطور معروفة بطول عمرها الاستثنائي الذي يدوم لعدة ساعات.
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Top Notes: Bright bergamot, spicy cardamom, and invigorating ginger create an energetic and refreshing opening. Heart Notes: A sophisticated blend of cedarwood, orange blossom, and nutmeg delivers a rich and elegant heart. Base Notes: Warm amber, tobacco, and vetiver offer a deep and sensual finish that lingers.