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Kinetogen Bovine Collagen 30 Pack
{"_id":"66faa5934c9bed0036e71c75","sku":"53639","brand":"KINETOGEN","name":"Kinetogen Bovine Collagen 30 Pack","publish":"1","price":59,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["53639"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"KINETOGEN","_id":"670cf76b063945002b805a31"}],"available":true,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"images":[{"image":"66faa7bb344ef200326c6e74/53639.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"66faa7bb344ef200326c6e73","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"53639.jpg","_id":"66faa7bb344ef200326c6e74"}}}],"media":[],"inventory_management":"automatic","dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"metafields":{"how_to_use":"The results of using KINETOGEN appear from the first month, but it is recommended to be administrated for a period of 3 to 6 months continuously to rebuild joint cartilages.\nTake 1 vial of KINETOGEN in the morning, before breakfast\nIt is recommended to use KINETOGEN daily for 3-6 months for optimal results","ingredients":"Fortigel Collagen (an advanced collagen type 2) sourced from halal bovine source, at a concentration of 10,000 mg per vial","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"kinetogen-bovine-collagen-30-pack","created_on":"2024-09-30T13:20:19.928Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"كاينيتوجين كولاجين بقرى 30 قارورة","description":"كاينيتوچين هو تركيبة فعالة وآمنة من كولاجين فورتيجيل (كولاجين متقدم من النوع الثاني) مصدره حلال من الأبقار، بتركيز ١٠٠٠٠ مجم لكل ڤيال، ويتميز بتأثيره الفعال وامتصاصه العالي بسبب صغر حجم جزيئاته بالإضافة إلى عدم تأثره أثناء عملية الامتصاص بإنزيمات المعدة مما يعزز الاستفادة من الجرعة الكاملة.\nكاينيتوچين بطعم المانجو والليمون الرائع. \nكاينيتوچين يزيد من إنتاج وتدفق الكولاجين داخل غضاريف المفاصل للمساعدة في إصلاح ما بها من خشونة وتآكل مما ينعكس بشكل إيجابي على سهولة المشي وليونة الحركة وممارسة الأنشطة الحياتية اليومية براحة وبكفاءة يساعد على التخلص من احتكاك وخشونة المفاصل.\nكاينيتوچين يساعد على الحد من تيبس المفاصل ويسهل حركتها.\nكاينيتوچين يساعد على وقف الهدم في الغضاريف ويساعد على إعادة بنائها.\nكاينيتوچين يساعد على تسكين الألم وتقليل الالتهابات.\nكاينيتوچين آمن وليس له أعراض جانبية، مناسب لمرضى السكري والضغط ولايسبب زيادة الوزن.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"تظهر نتائج استعمال كاينيتوچين من الشهر الأول ولكن ينصح باستخدامه لمدة ٣ الى ٦ أشهر متواصلة لإعادة بناء غضاريف المفاصل المصابة بالتآكل.\nتناول قارورة واحدة من كاينيتوچين في الصباح قبل الإفطار\nيوصى باستخدام كاينيتوچين يوميًا لمدة ٣ -٦ أشهر للحصول على النتائج المثالية","benefits":"صحة المفاصل"}}}},"default_variant":null,"description":"KINETOGEN is an effective and safe formula in the form of Fortigel Collagen (an advanced collagen type 2) sourced from halal bovine source, at a concentration of 10,000 mg per vial, and is characterized by its significant effect and high absorption due to the small size of its particles in addition to not being affected during the absorption process by stomach enzymes, which enhances the benefit of the full dose.\nKINETOGEN is distinguished by its Lemon-Mango marvelous taste. \nKINETOGEN increases collagen production and flow within joint cartilages to help stop cartilage degeneration & enhance its repair and regeneration, which positively affects ease of walking, flexibility of movement, and performing of daily activities comfortably and efficiently.\nKINETOGEN helps reduce joint stiffness and facilitate movement.\nKINETOGEN helps stop cartilage breakdown and helps rebuild it.\nKINETOGEN helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.\nKINETOGEN is safe and has no side effects, suitable for patients with diabetes and hypertension and does not cause weight gain.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":3,"kunooz_sort_order":1000,"substore":["kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2024-10-14T10:50:19.445Z","whites_sort_order":1000,"collections":["tiqmo"],"list_price":59,"our_price":59,"original_price":59,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"original_sort_order":0,"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{}}
SAR 59