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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
66f3faf001693b0024b0ecf5 Carnivita Advance Men 30 Sachets https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66f3fe1a6c3cb0002bc31508/carnivitapercent2051462.png Indications: •Carnivita Advance sachets for men is used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diseases related to the activity and vitality of the body. •Supports male fertility as it’s rich with L-Carnitine, Glutathione and 10 more effective elements. Active ingredients: •Levocarnitine 1000 mg​ •Acetyl Levocarnitine 500 mg​ •Glutathione 125 mg​ •L-Arginine 500 mg​ •Co Enzyme Co 10 20 mg​ •Zinc 11 mg​ •Selenium 55 mcg​ •Vitamin E 15 mg​ •Vitamin C 90 mg​ •Folic Acid 200 mcg​ •Vitamin B12 1.5 mcg​ •Citric Acid 50 mg​ •Fructose 1000 mg Recommended dosage and Form: •Powder in sachets​ •1 to 2 Sachets/Day. 51462
out of stock SAR 246.45
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Carnivita Advance Men 30 Sachets

SAR 246.45

Indications: •Carnivita Advance sachets for men is used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diseases related to the activity and vitality of the body. •Supports male fertility as it’s rich with L-Carnitine, Glutathione and 10 more effective elements. Active ingredients: •Levocarnitine 1000 mg​ •Acetyl Levocarnitine 500 mg​ •Glutathione 125 mg​ •L-Arginine 500 mg​ •Co Enzyme Co 10 20 mg​ •Zinc 11 mg​ •Selenium 55 mcg​ •Vitamin E 15 mg​ •Vitamin C 90 mg​ •Folic Acid 200 mcg​ •Vitamin B12 1.5 mcg​ •Citric Acid 50 mg​ •Fructose 1000 mg Recommended dosage and Form: •Powder in sachets​ •1 to 2 Sachets/Day.
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•Carnivita Advance sachets for men is used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diseases related to the activity and vitality of the body. •Supports male fertility as it’s rich with L-Carnitine, Glutathione and 10 more effective elements.
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Recommended dosage and Form: •Powder in sachets​ •1 to 2 Sachets/Day.
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Indications: •Carnivita Advance sachets for men is used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diseases related to the activity and vitality of the body. •Supports male fertility as it’s rich with L-Carnitine, Glutathione and 10 more effective elements. Active ingredients: •Levocarnitine 1000 mg​ •Acetyl Levocarnitine 500 mg​ •Glutathione 125 mg​ •L-Arginine 500 mg​ •Co Enzyme Co 10 20 mg​ •Zinc 11 mg​ •Selenium 55 mcg​ •Vitamin E 15 mg​ •Vitamin C 90 mg​ •Folic Acid 200 mcg​ •Vitamin B12 1.5 mcg​ •Citric Acid 50 mg​ •Fructose 1000 mg Recommended dosage and Form: •Powder in sachets​ •1 to 2 Sachets/Day.
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