A - Z
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
667bb460dedd432ff59d77e3 Easymax Twist Lancet 200 Pcs https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/670b758c666083002b81f42d/51048.jpg


PROPERTIES: Safe for the patient and the professional. Completely disposable, easy-to-use lancets. Designed for single use only. For Capilary blood sampling.
• The Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets contain 200 pieces per pack
• The lancets require no coding, making them convenient for quick and easy testing
• The twist top design allows for easy disposal of used lancets
• These lancets are compatible with most standard lancing devices
• The fine gauge 30G needles are designed to minimize pain and discomfort during testing

How To Use

• Wash your hands with soap and water before using the lancets.
• Load the lancet into the lancing device by twisting off the cap and inserting the lancet firmly into the device.
• Choose a site on the fingertip to puncture.
• Prepare the site by cleaning it with an alcohol swab and allowing it to dry.
• Place the loaded device against the chosen site and press the button to puncture the skin.
• Collect a small drop of blood using a blood glucose monitoring strip.
• Apply the blood to the designated area on the strip.
• Discard the lancet in a sharps container.


• Designed for blood glucose monitoring purposes
• Compatible with Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring System
• Single use lancets for safety and hygiene reasons
• Twist top for easy handling and disposal
• Sterile and ready to use lancets
• Comes in a pack of 200 pieces, providing long• term supply for regular testing needs

Possible Side Effects

• Allergic reaction
• Infection at the injection site
• Bruising or bleeding from the injection site
• Nerve damage


• Do not use if package is damaged or open
• Do not share lancets with others
• Wash hands before using lancets
• Do not reuse lancets
• Dispose of used lancets properly in a sharps container
• If you experience an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention
• Consult with a healthcare professional before using this product if you have any medical conditions or take any medications.


• Easy to use
• 30 gauge twist lancets
• Pack of 200 pieces
• Sterile and hygienic

Form of the product:
• Twist lancets

• Makes blood glucose monitoring simpler and more comfortable
• Twist design reduces pain and discomfort associated with traditional lancets
• Sterile and hygienic packaging ensures safe and accurate results

Why is it worth purchasing:
• Affordable and cost effective
• Saves time and money by reducing trips to the doctor for blood glucose monitoring
• Reliable and accurate results give peace of mind for diabetes management

Who should use it:
• Patients with diabetes who need to monitor their blood glucose levels regularly
• Individuals who experience discomfort or pain with traditional lancets
• Healthcare professionals who perform blood glucose monitoring on patients

• Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets is an easy to use, affordable, and reliable solution for blood glucose monitoring.
• Its twist design reduces pain and discomfort
• Its sterile and hygienic packaging ensures accurate results.
• It is suitable for patients with diabetes, individuals who experience discomfort with traditional lancets, and healthcare professionals.

in stockSAR 40
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إبرة شريحة بتصميم اللولب</p>\n<p>&bull; يجعل مراقبة الجلوكوز في الدم أسهل وأكثر راحة.</p>\n<p>&bull; يقلل من الألم والانزعاج المرتبط بالإبر التقليدية بتصميم اللولب.</p>\n<p>&bull; التعقيم المضمون والتعبئة النظيفة تضمن نتائج دقيقة وآمنة.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><strong>لماذا يستحق الشراء:</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; أسعار معقولة وفعالية في التكلفة</p>\n<p>&bull; يوفر الوقت والمال من خلال تقليل عدد الزيارات للطبيب لمراقبة جلوكوز الدم</p>\n<p>&bull; نتائج دقيقة وموثوقة تمنح راحة البال في إدارة السكر</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><strong>من يجب استخدامه:</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; المرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى مراقبة جلوكوز الدم بانتظام بسبب مرض السكر</p>\n<p>&bull; الأفراد الذين يعانون من الألم أو الانزعاج بالإبر التقليدية</p>\n<p>&bull; المهنيين الصحيين الذين يقومون بمراقبة جلوكوز الدم للمرضى</p>\n<p></p>\n<p><strong>الخلاصة:</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; إن إبر شريحة المراقبة السهلة بتصميم اللولب هي الحل السهل والفعال والموثوق لمراقبة جلوكوز الدم.</p>\n<p>&bull; يقلل التصميم بتصميم اللولب من الألم والانزعاج</p>\n<p>&bull; يضمن التعقيم المضمون والتعبئة النظيفة نتائج دقيقة.</p>\n<p>&bull; مناسب للمرضى الذين يعانون من مرض السكري والأفراد الذين يعانون من الألم، بالإضافة إلى المهنيين الصحيين.</p>"},"EN":{}}},"default_variant":null,"inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":4,"kunooz_sort_order":630,"substore":["whites","kunooz","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2024-10-13T07:24:04.855Z","whites_sort_order":630,"_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","categories":["lancets-and-lancing-devices","diabetes-management","wellness","diabetic-supplies","home-and-health-care","medicines"],"collections":["non-medicine-july","tiqmo"],"description":"<p><strong>Description</strong></p>\n<p>PROPERTIES: Safe for the patient and the professional. 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For Capilary blood sampling.<br /><strong>Composition</strong><br />&bull; The Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets contain 200 pieces per pack<br />&bull; The lancets require no coding, making them convenient for quick and easy testing<br />&bull; The twist top design allows for easy disposal of used lancets<br />&bull; These lancets are compatible with most standard lancing devices<br />&bull; The fine gauge 30G needles are designed to minimize pain and discomfort during testing</p>\n<p><strong>How To Use</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; Wash your hands with soap and water before using the lancets.<br />&bull; Load the lancet into the lancing device by twisting off the cap and inserting the lancet firmly into the device.<br />&bull; Choose a site on the fingertip to puncture.<br />&bull; Prepare the site by cleaning it with an alcohol swab and allowing it to dry.<br />&bull; Place the loaded device against the chosen site and press the button to puncture the skin.<br />&bull; Collect a small drop of blood using a blood glucose monitoring strip.<br />&bull; Apply the blood to the designated area on the strip.<br />&bull; Discard the lancet in a sharps container.</p>\n<p><strong>Indication</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; Designed for blood glucose monitoring purposes<br />&bull; Compatible with Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring System<br />&bull; Single use lancets for safety and hygiene reasons<br />&bull; Twist top for easy handling and disposal<br />&bull; Sterile and ready to use lancets<br />&bull; Comes in a pack of 200 pieces, providing long&bull; term supply for regular testing needs</p>\n<p><strong>Possible Side Effects</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; Allergic reaction<br />&bull; Infection at the injection site<br />&bull; Bruising or bleeding from the injection site<br />&bull; Nerve damage</p>\n<p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p>\n<p>&bull; Do not use if package is damaged or open<br />&bull; Do not share lancets with others<br />&bull; Wash hands before using lancets<br />&bull; Do not reuse lancets<br />&bull; Dispose of used lancets properly in a sharps container<br />&bull; If you experience an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention<br />&bull; Consult with a healthcare professional before using this product if you have any medical conditions or take any medications.</p>\n<p><strong>Properties</strong></p>\n<p><br />&bull; Easy to use<br />&bull; 30 gauge twist lancets<br />&bull; Pack of 200 pieces<br />&bull; Sterile and hygienic</p>\n<p><strong>Form of the product:</strong><br />&bull; Twist lancets</p>\n<p>&bull; Makes blood glucose monitoring simpler and more comfortable<br />&bull; Twist design reduces pain and discomfort associated with traditional lancets<br />&bull; Sterile and hygienic packaging ensures safe and accurate results</p>\n<p><strong>Why is it worth purchasing:</strong><br />&bull; Affordable and cost effective<br />&bull; Saves time and money by reducing trips to the doctor for blood glucose monitoring<br />&bull; Reliable and accurate results give peace of mind for diabetes management</p>\n<p><strong>Who should use it:</strong><br />&bull; Patients with diabetes who need to monitor their blood glucose levels regularly<br />&bull; Individuals who experience discomfort or pain with traditional lancets<br />&bull; Healthcare professionals who perform blood glucose monitoring on patients</p>\n<p><strong>Conclusion:</strong><br />&bull; Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets is an easy to use, affordable, and reliable solution for blood glucose monitoring.<br />&bull; Its twist design reduces pain and discomfort<br />&bull; Its sterile and hygienic packaging ensures accurate results.<br />&bull; It is suitable for patients with diabetes, individuals who experience discomfort with traditional lancets, and healthcare 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Easymax Twist Lancet 200 Pcs

SAR 40


PROPERTIES: Safe for the patient and the professional. Completely disposable, easy-to-use lancets. Designed for single use only. For Capilary blood sampling.
• The Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets contain 200 pieces per pack
• The lancets require no coding, making them convenient for quick and easy testing
• The twist top design allows for easy disposal of used lancets
• These lancets are compatible with most standard lancing devices
• The fine gauge 30G needles are designed to minimize pain and discomfort during testing

How To Use

• Wash your hands with soap and water before using the lancets.
• Load the lancet into the lancing device by twisting off the cap and inserting the lancet firmly into the device.
• Choose a site on the fingertip to puncture.
• Prepare the site by cleaning it with an alcohol swab and allowing it to dry.
• Place the loaded device against the chosen site and press the button to puncture the skin.
• Collect a small drop of blood using a blood glucose monitoring strip.
• Apply the blood to the designated area on the strip.
• Discard the lancet in a sharps container.


• Designed for blood glucose monitoring purposes
• Compatible with Easy Max Blood Glucose Monitoring System
• Single use lancets for safety and hygiene reasons
• Twist top for easy handling and disposal
• Sterile and ready to use lancets
• Comes in a pack of 200 pieces, providing long• term supply for regular testing needs

Possible Side Effects

• Allergic reaction
• Infection at the injection site
• Bruising or bleeding from the injection site
• Nerve damage


• Do not use if package is damaged or open
• Do not share lancets with others
• Wash hands before using lancets
• Do not reuse lancets
• Dispose of used lancets properly in a sharps container
• If you experience an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention
• Consult with a healthcare professional before using this product if you have any medical conditions or take any medications.


• Easy to use
• 30 gauge twist lancets
• Pack of 200 pieces
• Sterile and hygienic

Form of the product:
• Twist lancets

• Makes blood glucose monitoring simpler and more comfortable
• Twist design reduces pain and discomfort associated with traditional lancets
• Sterile and hygienic packaging ensures safe and accurate results

Why is it worth purchasing:
• Affordable and cost effective
• Saves time and money by reducing trips to the doctor for blood glucose monitoring
• Reliable and accurate results give peace of mind for diabetes management

Who should use it:
• Patients with diabetes who need to monitor their blood glucose levels regularly
• Individuals who experience discomfort or pain with traditional lancets
• Healthcare professionals who perform blood glucose monitoring on patients

• Blood Glucose Monitoring Twist Lancets is an easy to use, affordable, and reliable solution for blood glucose monitoring.
• Its twist design reduces pain and discomfort
• Its sterile and hygienic packaging ensures accurate results.
• It is suitable for patients with diabetes, individuals who experience discomfort with traditional lancets, and healthcare professionals.

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